Yvonne Constancio, Akashic Records Reader


Akashic Records Channeled Reading via Zoom

In June of 2020, I began to sense a Being requesting to communicate with me during my meditations. It felt natural to attempt to use my own voice for this telepathic communication. This is when when my surprising ability to channel began.

This Being advised me to learn The Akashic Records. I knew very little about them at the time, and not knowing what else to do but read a book… I turned to Linda Howe’s book, How To Read The Akashic Records.

Immediately after finishing the book, I began to practice opening the records. I did readings for over 25 friends and family in the course of one month. Somehow, it took little effort for me to access the Akashic realm and every single person was floored by the loving guidance they received and spot on reflections of their internal narrative.

Each one stating that the reading provided them with a deep sense of love, peace and hope. But most of all, a REMEMBRANCE of their own gifts, power and wisdom.

I won’t go into details about what the Akashic Records are as there are a number of sites on google. However, if you’ve found your way here… you’re ready to access your records.

In my readings, we connect to the Akashic realm where your Higher Self, Guides and even passed loved ones will offer directly offer you guidance consciously channeled through me.

30-minute - $149

60-minute - $222



“It is so hard to put into words my experience with the Akashic Records reading by Yvonne, because it truly was more of an intense feeling than I can easily explain. I have never felt so supported, so loved, and so guided by the spirit world than I did during, and since, my reading with Yvonne.

The reading left me with so much faith, that I am on the right path, that I am loved and protected, and that I am fully supported by God & my angels. Everything Yvonne channeled for me was spot on. I always knew exactly what the message was referring to and I LOVED hearing their advice for me. But even more comforting than the messages and advice was the FEELING of intense, pure love that I received from the reading.

I honestly feel like I now walk around all-day every-day surrounded by these huge, powerful, invisible body guards that have more love for me than I knew as humanly possible. I am beyond grateful to have gotten an Akashic Records reading by Yvonne, and I cannot wait to have another!”

- J.H.