Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

with Joany Johnson

This transformative experience will help you unravel the mysteries of your past and tap into the wisdom of your higher self. 

 Why Choose Guided Hypnosis and Past Life Regression? 

  • Heal from Within: Dive deep into your subconscious to unearth and heal the root causes of trauma.

  • Connect with Your Higher Self: Discover hidden aspects of yourself and gain profound insights into your life's purpose.

  • Release Limiting Beliefs: Break free from old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

 (QHHT) was created by Dolores Cannon. Using guided hypnosis and past life regression, you will begin to understand and work through root origins of trauma by connecting with higher aspects of yourself and your subconscious, and be able to access deep healing and transformation on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. 

 Learn more about yourself, your soul’s history and how to experience the best version of yourself in this life through Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. 

 Joany will create a safe and supportive space for your journey of exploration and support you every step of the way.

 Are you ready to unlock the door to your past and step into a brighter future?

$555 (Includes phone interview and hypnosis session)

 Your QHHT Session will begin with a 90 Min - 2 Hour Phone Interview with Joany, followed by a 2 - 2.5 Hour Hypnosis Session to be booked for a later date.